Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Stick Figure Animation

Stick Figure Animation

This is an animation that I made in Flash. What I did was make each frame do something to move the stick figure a certain way to make it look like it walks, runs and pushes against something. This is an animation where the stick figure(Drew) Is trapped in a canvas and cant get out. Then the evil background takes over and pushes him off the canvas. Drew then re enters the canvas and dies from a seizure from the background changing rapidly.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Stick Figure Animated GIF

This is my GIF project I made in Adobe Fireworks. I first started with making an animated stick figure. I made a couple frames with the stick figure dodging a spear and a box with spikes.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

ECHS Membership Cards

This is my first ECHS membership card I made in Adobe Fireworks. I started with a canvas size of 300*200.
I then collected all of the needed information for the membership card and the ECHS logo.
I kept the membership card as well as the business card as professional as I could.

This is my second ECHS membership card I made in Adobe Fireworks. I started with a canvas size of 300*200.I then collected all of the needed information for the membership card and added the ECHS logo. I made a back for the membership card with all of the extra information, like there cause and what they do.

This is my third Business card that I made in Adobe Fireworks. I started with a canvas size of 300*200.  I collected all of the needed information for this business card and made it professional and clean. I added a back side to the card with extra information bout the group.

ECHS Business Card

This is a ECHS business card that I remade with adobe fireworks. I first started off with the canvas size of 300*200. Collected all of the needed info and put it into a short professional business card.

This is my second remake of the ECHS business card. I used the same canvas(300*200) and collected all the needed information and contact info.

 This is my third remake of the ECHS business card. I used a canvas of 300*200. I collectedall the needed information and contact information and added a little grabber sentence to bring people in. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Zumiez Logo

This is a project that I made in fireworks. This is a remake of other Zumiez logo's. What I did is look at other Zumiez logo's and base mine off of it.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Zumiez buisness card

This is my Zumiez Business card I made with Adobe Fireworks. I first made the logo in a separate Fireworks file and customized it to my liking and made sure it is not similar to other logos. I then made the canvas color a greyish black and chose a font style and typed in all the information. Last I made a color scheme for my client and I to go over. I chose this color scheme because they are the best colors that can go with this kind of business card.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Buisness Card Levels

This is my Low Professional Level business card. I made this my low level card because it has so much going on on the card itself and makes it unattractive. I started out with the canvas color of red. I put a smaller rectangle over the canvas. I changed the texture of the rectangle. I then put the swans with a texture and a glow. I made two and faced them towards them. After I made up a name(Black Swan INC.) and customized the text and also made one big star and two smaller ones and gave them a texture. 
This is my Mid Professional Level Business card. I started of with the obnoxious canvas color. I chose a font for the name. Then I changed the font for the information. I rotated the canvas vertical for this card. I added a black swan and a polygon next to the information.
This is my High Professional Level Business card. I started with the canvas color of grey because grey is a good background color that doesn't look bad. I kept all the font the same and added two swans facing each other. I added my information to the left.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Cheetah Pointalism

I made this project using Adobe Fireworks. This is a Pointillism made from size 10 dots. I made the dots where there are spaces to make up a full picture of a cheetah. I changed the color of the dots for each parts of the cheetah. I changed the Background to be able to see the project better.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Color Wheel Pointalism

This Project I made with Adobe Fireworks. First I started with the First size 30 with the paint brush and made the color wheel by putting size 30 dots on each color. I did this for sizes 30, 20, 10 and 5.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Wade Film Strip #1

For this project "Film Strip", I first started off with the FULL image on one canvas. I used the marquee tool to cut out corners of the image and copy and paste them on to another canvas to edit/change them. I did this four times with the image and added a slightly different effect to each corner like adding a feather effect or changing the texture of the rectangle. After I copy and pasted the corner of the image I added a rectangle behind the cornered image and gave it a texture. I rotated and moved each corner to look like the full image. For each Corner of the picture I put a drop shadow to give it a better effect .

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Human Face

I made this project using Adobe Fireworks. I first started with the eyes and all of the details(look at my "Human Eye" post for Details). I then copied the eye and pasted it so there were two eyes and rotated it 180 degrees.I made the face and used the reshape tool to form it to look like a chin. I also made eyebrows by making a skinny circle and formed it to look like an eyebrow and copy and pasted another one and rotated it 180 degrees to the other side so there are two. Then I made her lips by making to circles and forming them to look like lips. I made her hair by making circles and curling it to look like hair. Last I made her nose using a circle and forming it with the sub select tool. Her name is Kasandra.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Human Eye

I made this eye using Adobe Fireworks. I first started out with a circle and used the sub selection tool to reform it to look like the white of a human eye. I then made two more small skinny circles and again used the sub selection tool to look like the top and the bottom of your eye. I also made a small circle to look like a blue iris and then made an even smaller circle to make the pupil. Then added a tiny circle to look like a light gloss on the eye. For the eye lashes I made an extremely small line/circle and used the sub selection tool to form it around the eye to look like eye lashes. Last for the eye brow I made a small skinny circle and used the sub selection tool to bend the circle to look like an eye brow.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Sunset Spot Color

I made this project by using the marquee tool and making boxes to cover up most of the picture except for the sun then I used the polygon lasso tool to be precise.

Bird Spot Color

I made this project by using the marquee tool and make boxes around the bird and turn the boxes to sepia tone until I had to be precise around the bird I used the magic wand and converted everything around the bird to sepia tone.

Raintree Spot Color

I made this project by using the magic wand tool to select any of the sky to make the tree the only thing in the picture that is colored. Then after I selected all of the blue I could get and convert the picture to Sepia Tone.