Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Art Terminology Definitions

 Hue means a shorter version of color or colors. Hue can simply mean the lightness or the darkness of the color. For example red has many different hues like dark red, light red and even just plain red.
For more info, visit-  http://answers.ask.com/Science/Other/what_does_hue_mean

Chroma is the intensity or strength of a color like how light red does not have much strength. The intensity is how bright or just how the color stands out from other colors. This also means the purity of the color which means how pure the color is or if it has a lot of chemicals and what not in it.
 For more info, visit - http://www.artincanada.com/arttalk/arttermsanddefinitions.html

Tint is the opposite of shade. Tinting is used to make a color brighter or make it stand out more by adding tint to the color. Tinting also means a combination of a color to make it brighter.
For more info, visit - http://www.artincanada.com/arttalk/arttermsanddefinitions.html

When talking about tone we are referring to the lights and the dark's of a color. For example if you can imagine a grey scale from white to black there are a lot of different "Tones" in between the two colors.  There are very light lights and very dark dark's.
For more info, visit- http://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110608044439AAm3LbI

Shade is using a mixture of black to make a color darker.  For example if u add black to the color blue depending on how much you add, the color blue will turn darker. Shade is also the opposite of Tint.
For more info, visit- http://www.artincanada.com/arttalk/arttermsanddefinitions.html

Complimentary Colors:
Complementary colors are those which look opposite to one another on a color wheel. The complimentary colors are green, red, blue, orange, yellow and purple.
 For more info, visit- http://www.artincanada.com/arttalk/arttermsanddefinitions.html

Analogous Colors:
Colors that are related to or close to are analgous. They are neighbors on the color wheel and have in share a common color. For example blue violet, violet, and red violet are all related because they all have red.
For more info, visit - http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_definition_of_analogous_colors

Contrasting Colors:
Contrasting Colors refers to the arrangement of opposite elements. For example light vs. dark colors, rough vs. sooth textures, ect. The colors white and black have the greatest degree of contrast because white is super light and bright and black has little light ans is super dark.
For more info, visit -  http://arthistory.about.com/cs/glossaries/g/c_contrast.htm

Texture is another element of art and is used to explain or describe either the way a three dimensional work actually feels when it is touched or the visual "feel" of a two dimensional work. Take a piece of wood, a real 3-D piece of wood might feel rough or smooth. A painter would create the illusions of these qualities through the use of color, line, shape, ect.
For more info, visit- http://arthistory.about.com/cs/glossaries/g/t_texture.htm

Graphic Design Principles:
Graphic Design Principle has many principles and all have a certain thing they do in art today. The 6 Principles are, balance, proximity, alignment, repetition/consistency, contrast, and white space. These principles all have a meaning in art.
For more info, visit- http://www.design-lib.com/graphic-design-principles-gd.php

Balance refers to the way in which the elements of a piece of art are put together and arranged. ("informal") balance occurs when the elements are placed unevenly on a piece of art, but work together to produce harmony overall.
For more info, visit- http://arthistory.about.com/cs/glossaries/g/b_balance.htm

Symmetry plays a big part in the art world. This plays a big part because symmetry is when one side of something that balances out the other side.
For more info, visit- http://www.artincanada.com/arttalk/arttermsanddefinitions.html

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